Saturday, April 25, 2015


According to the flyer passed out by the Aglipay Church, the Trumba began with a frustrated fisherman, Regino Ilocso.  He hadn't caught any fish, instead a piece of wood kept getting stuck in his net.  Three times it happened and each time he threw it back into the lake. When he decided to go home the stick was back in his net; he decided to take it home.

Ilocso woke up in the middle of the night to a noise.  When he looked about he saw that the stick was dancing.  Upon inspection he saw the image of the Virgin Mary on the stick.

 Ilocso took the stick to the Aglipay Church.  Thus began the tradition of Trumba, a street dance in honor of the Virgin Mary.

For three weeks people dressed in colorful outfits gathered at church and danced in the streets throughout town.

Statue from the Catholic Church

Band from the Catholic Church

Band from the Aglipay Church

1 comment:

  1. Love all the festivals and celebrations. We should celebrate more!
