Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Chrism Mass

Holy Thursday is when the Priesthood and Eucharist were instituted.  

Every Holy Thursday throughout the world, Catholics celebrate a Chrism Mass where the oils used throughout the year are blessed.  During the Chrism Mass priests also renew their vows.

St. Mary Magdalene Church belongs to the Diocese of Antipolo.  The seat of the diocese is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage.  

About fourteen of us gathered and left about 4:20 am and rode the jeep to Antipolo.  After about an hour we arrived at an already packed church with still about 40 min left before Mass was scheduled to start.

There were well over 200 priests and a 150 member choir.  Liturgy was awesome, presided by Assistant Bishop Francisco de Leon with Bishop Gabriel Reyes giving the homily.  Two hours later Mass was over, but not before we sang "Happy Birthday" to two priests, and "Happy Anniversary" to Bishop Reyes who will be celebrating the anniversary of his ordination tomorrow.

We also acknowledged: 
a priest newly ordained Sat., March 28;
a newly established parish St. Joseph the Worker in Cainta.

Fr. Jose "Jovi" Nepomoceno
with some members of St. Mary Magdalene Church

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