Thursday, April 30, 2015


National Flower

This stump grew on the side of the old house.  When the house was being demolished I asked the crew to take care and not kill the plant.  Unfortunately the stump was the only thing that remained.  Since February I've been faithfully watering the stump and hoping. 

 Praise the Lord she lives!
                                                                                                                         April 30

The following pictures were taken from neighbors' yards just to show what a grown sampaguita looks like.
Sampaguita flower

grown up sampaguita

Yesterday, May 10, as I watered in the afternoon, I noticed the sampaguita at the house had begun to blossom!  I was extremely excited, but unfortunately it was just a bit dark.  I decided to wait to take pictures.

These pictures were taken after I had watered in the morning of May 11.

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