Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Heroes at Pililla National High School

Taina with Mr. Augusto  Banda
IA/AA (Industrial Arts/Agricultural Arts) Chair
The family donated money so that he was able to get this welding mask.

Taina with
Mrs. Cleotilde D. Mosqueda,
When I visited with Mrs. Mosqueda she thanked me for the family's donations:  face mask, completion of faculty women's bathroom, bunsen burner, and academic medals.  She also invited me to their graduation to be held March 26, 2015.

I began class with a discussion about Heroes.  The students named Dr. Jose Rizal as hero and they listed his characteristics.  I read Susan B. Anthony.  We also listed characteristics why Ms. Anthony is a hero.  As a final assignment, I asked students to write a short essay on why they are heroes.

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