Monday, July 21, 2014


my cousin's son Patrick and his tricycle

Marian is Patrick's mother; Mertz is his dad's nickname

The tricycle is the most likely common mode of transportation in any province in the Philippines.  Usually about 9 students can fit in one.  Julie Ann said sometimes 12 can fit in a tricycle, plus the driver.  For students the fare is 5 pesos; for adults it's 10 except for senior citizens who pay 8 pesos.


  1. I was just telling Enrique the other day, I want to retire where the main mode of transportations is a tiny motored vehicle...moped, rickshaw, tricycle...etc. I'm so happy for you. Not only will you renew familial bonds, but also you will renew your spirit! Hugs from KS. Lindsay

  2. 9 students! Yikes, they must be tiny.
