Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday, sweet Sunday

4:20 am wake up!  I'm not kidding either.  For those of you who know me well, you know this isn't normal. Smile.  Either I'm too excited to sleep anymore and waste my time or it's still part of jet lag, who knows.  The last 3 days that I've awakened in the Philippines:  5 am, 4:30 am, and today's 4:20.

Breakfast was rice, fried fish, banana, suman (sweet rice wrapped in banana leaves and boiled), coffee.  Suman isn't particularly sweet even though it's made with sweet rice.  Sweet rice is also sticky which makes it easier to wrap.

My aunt Alfonsa and I happened to ride a tricycle to church.  I had looked out the window and had seen one of my cousins, her husband, and 2-year-old foster child riding the tricycle.  When I asked where they were going, Julie said, "To church."  I asked if we could ride with them.

St. Mary Magdalene Church is beautiful!  The new addition since 2011 is that the ceiling had been painted with various saints, including the two newest saints in the Catholic Church:  St. Pope John XXIII and St. Pope John Paul II.  My aunt slipped into the pew and I followed her.  When I looked up there was the face of St. Francis Xavier (patron of the church I attend in St. Joe) and next was the face of St. Joseph (patron of the city I live in the U.S.).  For those who know me, you know I considered this a blessing.  I am indeed where I'm supposed to be at this time.

During Mass I'm not ashamed to let you know that I cried a couple of times.  I felt so blessed to be back.  The church of my youth, where memories of people who love me taught me about God, embraced me once again.  The Mass was conducted in Tagalog and English and I was able to respond to many of the prayers and hymns.  I understood the gospel  and the sermon about the farmer who sowed on good soil.

My aunt and I walked back to their house, normally a 10 minute walk.  Today it took almost 5 hours as we stopped at several relatives' homes where I was greeted with lots of hugs and we were served snacks.  Again, this is not an exaggeration!  It is impolite not to have a bite or a drink, so we didn't need lunch when we returned to the house.

Mid-afternoon my goddaughter Reggie came for a visit.  I learned that my name sake Taina is a freshman at the University of Rizal, Pililla branch.  She wants to become a history teacher.  Reggie's youngest, Queenie is in preK.

Today begins the novena for the Feast Day of our patron:  St. Mary Magdalene.  The Aglipay Church had a Caracol.  Band members walked around town with the statue of the saint.  My aunt says they will do this for the next 8 days.  Tomorrow I hope to be around so I can take pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Taina, we are so happy you made it safely. It is so much fun to join you on your adventures. The boys really loved hearing that you arrived at church via tricycle. If you can please send us a picture of one. Sounds as though you are right where you were intended to be.
