Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fiesta part 1

Julie and Poof (nickname) preparing
gulaman (dessert with jello)
street banners
Reggie preparing embotido

more banners

feria rides

feria rides
games at the feria

more games

more rides
kids enjoying the feria

feria rides
for the nightly amateur shows

one of the many bands

more banners


  1. You're staying so busy over there! Have your relatives gotten power back? I'm assuming the water problem has been negotiated. Residency Clinics are next week...eek! This summer is going by quickly! I'm ready though. Mark and I meet next week to plan. Should be an interesting year :)

    1. Busy indeed! I've not heard from the relatives not living in our town, so I too am assuming that power is back.

      Yes, I shall miss Residency clinic. I have always enjoyed participating it that.

      Yes, interesting year with Mark next door. Smile

  2. Do the jello desserts taste different than the ones here in the States? I love jello!

    1. Yes, I believe so especially since people add things in it becoming more like jello salad. This one when it was served included buko (young coconut) and coconut water.
