Sunday, November 23, 2014

Feast of Christ the King

The Blessed Sacrament was moved
from the Adoration Chapel and into a bigger area
to accommodate those who wish to spend an hour in prayer.

 The Catholic Church's procession began at 3 pm.  We prayed the rosary and sang songs as we walked throughout town.  We saw banners and images of Christ the King at people's gates.  The home-bound, seriously ill, members of the family were waiting at their gates for the Blessed Sacrament which Fr. Jovi carried.  The procession stopped as we passed by the sick and Fr. Jovi prayed with them.

Fr. Jovi also entered the municipal hall; blessed it and all who work there.  We stopped at every barangay hall and Fr. Jovi like wise blessed the place and those who work there.

This image of Christ the King
was part of the Aglipay Church's procession.
They had an evening procession
and members carried candles.

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