Saturday, November 8, 2014

All Saints Day

Emy's grandchildren

Ate Diday, Agnes (cousin) , Taina, Ate Tessie, Sylvia (cousin), Thin Thin (cousin)

Nov. 1:  All Saints Day, also known as Family Reunion Day!

Days before families began cleaning their loved ones' graves.  In tropical Philippines, this is not an easy task because plants grow quickly and take over.

When I arrived at the cemetery about 7:30 am, there were tons of people already there.  Families bring food for an all day stay visiting with each other and friends whom they see perhaps once a year.

My grandparents' grave was decorated with flowers donated by family and friends.  Candles were lit, prayers were offered.  Friends visited with me throughout the day some brought merienda (snacks).  I shared lunch with family whose loved ones are buried on a hill above my grandparents' grave.

At 3 pm Mass was offered not too far from my grandparents' grave.  I didn't need to go there to hear Mass.  Later ministers from church walked around blessing the tombs.

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