Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Grand Old House

Another goodbye.  
Another day much anticipated.  
Another ending.  

Sadness, certainly but looking into the future.  
Always with gratefulness, 
we turn back briefly, 
but we must move onward.

Like the bodega you served the family well.  
Other families were sheltered within your walls.  
From the upstairs window we watched town folk pass by.  

We took naps 
between the window rails and the glass windows 
to catch the breeze.  

Countless guests, various parties especially in the 50s.  
Cousins had marveled at the tiled bathroom floor.  
I loved our mini swimming pool.  

Running up and down the wooden and terrazzo stairs 
much to the chagrin of the elders.
Laughing, screaming--Life!

The promise lives, 
the dream continues, 
ready for a metamorphosis.

65 years later

from the front

from the side

2nd floor from the side

from the back

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