Sunday, February 15, 2015

Before/After mural

design by Benny Ravel Martinez Jesuitas

painted by Daniel

Ravel is cousin Marian's youngest child.  
I tutor Ravel and had given him the assignment 
to design a mural for the library.  

            On my mural there is a tree; and a boy reading a book while sitting on the tree branch.  The tree is the symbol for teachers. 
        There is a Philippine flag because someday the boy will represent our country in the world. 
        The cloud around the boy means even though there are bad influences the boy is still protected. 
        The half circles represent the bad influences tempting the boy to stop studying. 
         I want my mural to inspire other children.  I want to inspire others by studying harder.  I want to study harder to achieve my dreams.  

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