Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I read this advertisement earlier today for one of the businesses in Tanay, Pililla's neighboring town.

The 3rd starred item:
Brgy is the abbreviation for Barangay.  Every city or town is divided into areas.  Each area has some jurisdiction:  captain (equivalent of mayor for the town), kagawad (equivalent of counsilors).  When people have disputes which can't be resolved by simply talking with each other, the next step is to make an appointment with the barangay team.  The members will listen to both parties and help solve the argument.

One reason this company is looking for barangay clearance is probably to make sure the person they hire is a good neighbor and that no one has complained about him.

I had asked the workers at this store why the advertisement specifically mentioned "BOY".  There were several women working at this store. I was told because the position calls for someone who can lift and carry heavy items.

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