Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Parish Day

Look how blue the sky is!

Decorated booth which won 1st place

decorated booth

decorated booth

decorated booth

Bulaklakan (flower) dance


Pandango sa Ilaw (candle dance)

Aunt Tessie was the muse of her group:  Mother Butler.
At St. Mary Magdalene Church members of the Mother Butler groups are the ushers.
Along with duties as ushers, they also count the money received during the offertory rite.

Parish Day dawned bright and early.  Many people turned out to celebrate despite the heat.  After the 6:00 Mass there was registration.  Then there was a parade throughout town reminding people to come.  The program started at 9 with various dances from the different church groups.  In between dances the emcees pulled names out of a hat and these people were awarded prizes:  rice cookers, thermos, bedding, money, gift certificates, etc.  

Lunch was at church.  Different groups either brought food or gave donations.  We had lechon, whole roasted pig, pancit (noodle dish), shrimp cooked in coconut milk, menudo, fish, rice, etc.  Desserts were varied as well.

After lunch there were games for all ages to participate.

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