Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tropical fruits

The first time I ate rambutan was in 2005
when I first returned to the Philippines as an adult
It is mostly grown in the southern island of Mindanao.
With the creation of the National Road
transport amongst the islands became easier. 

Rambutan is sweet with a huge seed inside, 
so there's not much to eat in each fruit.
It's a little bit crunchy.

This is the first time I've eaten mangosteen.
Grown in Mindanao, especially in Davao
mangosteen is known for its health benefits.
The outside skin is hard.
The inside is bitter, inedible as is.
Not all the segments have seeds so it's not difficult to eat.
Atis is white on the inside.  Each segment has seeds.
 It's delicious, but time consuming to eat.
mini guava
Pink on the inside with lots of seeds which can be eaten.
When not ripe it can be used for flavoring in soup. 

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